First off let me say that I have become obsessed with my new camera. I only wish I had my computer at home already so I could start learning what it is I am doing. (I am calling AT&T today to set up a time for them to come hook me up with everything.) I find myself walking around the house taking pictures of random things just trying different angles and messing with different lights and shadows. Brady is tired of it, I'm almost sure. He better get used to it.
So i finished this book the day before yesterday:

and it was
SOOOOOO good. It made me all emotional like no book has ever done before, and I read a lot of books. Last night I watched "Pride and Glory". Edward Norton (yummy) and Colin Farrel (spelling?). Good movie, check it out.
OK, get to work and stop reading blogs. Peace out.
I want to borrow that from you! I need a good read, my last few books have been bombs.