I dedicate this post to Mallary Musgrove. Her old ass turned 26 yesterday. Mal, you are officially in your late twenties. You might want to start looking into burial plots.
This week Direct TV came out and hooked me up with some television. Before they left they managed to leave my gate open after I told them TWICE to make sure they closed it because I have a dog that would love nothing more than to run into the wild. Good ole Toro escaped and I could not find him for several hours. I just bought his ID tag this past weekend and it was still in my purse. I need a spanking. Anywho, after getting a ride to pick up Brady (my car was in the shop to make matters worse) I saw some kids walking him along 1960. The little shit went far. I should rename him Alexander Supertramp. Thank goodness he came back. I was very sad and mad at myself. His tags are on and I gave him a good talking. I guess this is what happens when you adopt a dog who ran away from home. I wonder just how many homes he has really had.
I am going to go home tonight and set up my internet. I had some issues with my phone line but they are coming out to fix it today. I think the actual line is laying in a pile in my backyard thanks to Hurricane Ike. Hopefully it is an easy fix. I will post some pictures if so of Brady. I got some cute ones of him in the bathtub last night.
Ok, now that you are bored to tears, goodbye until next time.
Mallary, word to your mother.
This week Direct TV came out and hooked me up with some television. Before they left they managed to leave my gate open after I told them TWICE to make sure they closed it because I have a dog that would love nothing more than to run into the wild. Good ole Toro escaped and I could not find him for several hours. I just bought his ID tag this past weekend and it was still in my purse. I need a spanking. Anywho, after getting a ride to pick up Brady (my car was in the shop to make matters worse) I saw some kids walking him along 1960. The little shit went far. I should rename him Alexander Supertramp. Thank goodness he came back. I was very sad and mad at myself. His tags are on and I gave him a good talking. I guess this is what happens when you adopt a dog who ran away from home. I wonder just how many homes he has really had.
I am going to go home tonight and set up my internet. I had some issues with my phone line but they are coming out to fix it today. I think the actual line is laying in a pile in my backyard thanks to Hurricane Ike. Hopefully it is an easy fix. I will post some pictures if so of Brady. I got some cute ones of him in the bathtub last night.
Ok, now that you are bored to tears, goodbye until next time.
Mallary, word to your mother.
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