Monday, January 5, 2009

Woo wee

2009 is treating me well!! Friday morning at work we had a meeting and it was decided that I would move back to my cubicle. Anyone and everyone who knows me knows that sitting in the lobby is a death wish for any company. If Kati isn't happy then no one walking in that door will be happy for long.

This morning I took out my trash and walked over to my mailbox to drop my Netflix movies in and there was a single envelope for me. Inside the envelope was $1200.00 from my insurance company to replace my kitchen counter tops. I am SO excited to tell my blue Formica counter tops goodbye. I will not miss them even a little. I love my house more and more everyday, this will be just another reason I will never want to leave. I plan on getting cable soon too. I have lived without it long enough. I love reading but shit, I need some HGTV already.

OK, enough of my rambling for one morning.


  1. You should have a formica countertop burning party. Can't wait to see what you pick out!

  2. Pic out something and wrap it in duck tape! :)

  3. oh yah, how about you let Mal and I have the $1200 for countertops? It is a blessing to give than receive... :)

  4. HEY - I'M STILL WAITING BY MAILBOX... when is it coming???? A cold front is coming with rain and I don't wanna wait any longer! :P
