[grat-i-tood, -tyood] noun
the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful
The last few weeks I have watched people post their daily " I am thankful for" on Facebook. It has me thinking everyday of what I am thankful for. There is so much I am thankful for and instead of doing a daily post on Facebook, I am going to randomly list some out here. I do not like blog posts without pictures so I have posted some pictures of people I am thankful for. They are in no particular order.
First I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for our health and I am thankful that we all have blended together in a way that works for us.
I am thankful for our Meme and Poppy aka Lola and Richard. They do so much for us and our kids and I don't know what I would do without them.

I am thankful for all these men in my life. I know I posted that already but come on, I am REALLY thankful for them. I am not thankful for their pee smelling bathroom though, but that is another story for another time. ;)
This kid. He is so special he gets a picture all by himself.
My dad and his parents, my Grandpa and Grandma. I am so thankful to have both sets of my grandparents still alive. I am so happy they get to be apart of my children's lives. My dad is the greatest man I know.

Steven! I am thankful for this big tub of love. and his dog hair. (not)
I am thankful for living room dance parties with my boys. They never get old. I think we could all learn a dance move or two from them.
I am thankful for my mom. She is always there when I need her.
My mom's parents, Grandma and Grandpa McGlohn. Sorry that I posted this picture Grandma. I couldn't find another one of you and Grandpa together.
(she had a bruise on her chin, not a goatee)

My husband, Jeff, who works hard so we can have a roof over our head and food in our bellies. He works hard so I can be here to take care of our children. He is smart, loving, kind, funny, and he is the love of my life.

I am thankful for Brenda, my step monster, my sisters, my in-laws, my friends and my extended family members.
I am thankful for vacations, wine, good food, movies, Sons of Anarchy and Parenthood Tuesday nights, good neighbors, jeggings, the library, my Huffman community, football, dark chocolate, coca cola, and good music.
There are about 50,000 other things I am thankful for but I have to cut this off at some point. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving. I know I can't wait to eat all that yummy food tomorrow!