Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Call today and get one free...PLUS a book light!!!!!

Today I learned about Snuggies. I have not had tv for months so keep this in mind. Apparently these are "old news". I laughed so hard at this commercial today. Seriously, I was laughing for a solid 15 minutes. I still have not gotten over these things. For those of you who are lost (probably no one) go here... After bringing Snuggies up to many different people I was told to check out Ellen's clip on Snuggies.

If you are close to me, expect one of these for Christmas this year. Does it get much better than a blanket with sleeves? I DON'T THINK SO!!!

If I had a snuggie party would anyone come? LOL


  1. I dont want to be close to you around christmas time..

  2. I have heard mixed reviews about them, but I still secretly (guess not a secret anymore) want one. On the radio the other day, they said just put your robe on backwards and call it day.
