Monday, August 31, 2009

Coming soon.....

Brady will start playing soccer at the YMCA in two weeks. He is super excited. Yesterday we bought him some soccer cleats, shin guards, and a new soccer ball. As soon as we got home we tried it all on (we need socks, his are large enough for Jeff's feet) and headed outside to play. He is the most serious soccer player I've ever known!

Hopefully he will be a good team player and wont give me too much trouble on the field. My boy is a ball hog for sure.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Garner 2009

We finally got through our summer full of weekends away. Garner was our last one for awhile. We had a really great time. It was very relaxing for the most part. There were 7 kids total so there was lots of beer consumption on my part. That is what vacation is all about right? Brady was TERRIFIED of the river. He refuses to wear a life jacket or floaties so he was glued to me the entire time. It worked though. I was able to park it in a chair and watch people.

Brady was a dancing machine at the dance. This is his very first chicken dance!

This was Brady, Bennett, Brock, and Braxton. JEEZ! There was also a Brylan. Zoe and Austin made it easy on us.